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List Games by No. Players 1+ 1-2 Players 1-3 Players 1-4 Players 1-5 Players 1-6 Players 1-7 Players 1-8 Players 2 or 4 Players 2 Players 2+ 2-10 Players 2-10+ 2-12 Players 2-3 Players 2-4 Players 2-5 Players 2-6 Players 2-7 Players 2-8 Players 3+ 3-10 Players 3-15 Players 3-4 Players 3-5 Players 3-6 Players 3-7 Players 3-8 Players 4 Players 4+ 4-10 Players 4-10+ 4-11 Players 4-12 Players 4-6 Players 4-7 Players 4-8 Players 4-9 Players 5-10 Players 6 Players 6-12 Players 7-8 Players 8-18 Players 8-22 Players 8-24 Players Solitaire Teams |
Rio de la Plata
Was £39.99, Now £25.00 In 1536 Pedro Mendoza founded the city of Buenos Aires along the Rio de la Plata river. After five years, the settlers were forced to leave the city exhausted by difficulties and the continuous attacks from the Querandies natives. A few days later that city was burnt and destroyed. About 50 years later, Juan Garay leads a new expedition and the city of Buenos Aires is built again. The challenge is tough as the first time: the resources are meagre and the natives not so friendly. Moreover, the Corsairs, paid by the English Crown, menace the Spanish settlement. Will the new settlement manage to survive? Rio de la Plata is a strategic game where players represent the leader of the Spanish settlers' families that founded the city of Buenos Aires. They will have to collaborate in order to defend themselves and develop the city, but will be in competition to get the needed reputation to obtain the more prestigious political offices or the title of Governor. The reputation is based on the victory points (VP) and the player with the highest VPs at the end of the game will be the winner. Contents:
5% over £50 10% over £100 These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices. Related Tags |
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